Arranged marriage lll

Xhen on the other hand quickly jumps out through her window to execute her plan.

She jumped out of the window effortlessly. After which she roamed around the Manor, and then came a little closer to where the many guests were.

She was sure to cover her face well.... Even though most of them haven't seen her face before.

Xhen only covered her face from her parents not to notice. She found her chance when she saw Zhen Zhen distracting her parents and that everyone's attention was now focused on the coming out of the bride.

Xi Xhen quickly slipped into the carriage without being noticed.

General Xi and his wife, Madam Xi were now also looking out for the coming out of their daughter. They waited but saw no one . Zhen already knew that her Young Mistress was already in the carriage now, so she went ahead with her plan B.

"Oh.... My Lord, she's already in the carriage". Zhen Zhen announced.... For she already knew what and who they were all waiting for now, so she broke the silence, and anticipation of the people.

"Huh.... Already in the carriage without saying goodbye to her parents?". They both then looked awkwardly at the carriage and finally saw the shadow of someone inside.

[He sighed deeply]. "That little brat!". He thought. General Xi already knew what to do.... He then told everyone that the bride was already in the carriage, thus breaking some of their excited faces.

They had also wanted to take a look at General Xi's precious daughter that he had hidden all these while. But now they were all greatly disappointed.

"Ah!. What's taking them so long?. I can't stand being in this carriage for long.... Riding horses is way better than this!". She scanned through the carriage as she yelled in a very low tone.

After her mutterings, She finally lay still comfortably inside the carriage without care, and soon she slept off.

General Xi already gestured them his farewell and they started retreating with the new bride.

Zhen quickly followed as they all matched to deliver the bride to his Highness, the Crown Prince.

Meanwhile Xhen was already comfortably sleeping in the carriage, she didn't know that they had already started moving out.


After some minutes, the carriage finally arrived at the Crown Prince's castle.

It was now time to deliver the bride so that they will be on their way back.

Half of them that assisted were servants of the imperial palace, while the other half were servants for the Crown Prince's castle.

They then stopped the carriage as they all waited for the bride to come out.


It was now up to a minute they were all waiting and nothing was happening in the carriage.

Zhen walked over to the side of the carriage and called out her Young Mistress, but no response after many trials.

They finally decided to open the carriage door only to find a beauty, she was sleeping seriously with her straight face.... At some point, her brows furrowed. while her legs were improperly placed on the carriage.

She was indeed in a very serious deep slumber.... They all left their mouths wide open in surprise, at the sight before them.