Ghost in the Crown Prince's Palace

Li Nan was so lost in words of the White haired lady that was busy practising with the bow and arrows…. He opened his eyes wide when he witnessed her practising with a sword. Everything that's happening right before his eyes, seems really unbelievable to him.

"What the?". He muttered. She was even more skilled than him on this. He admitted.

Xhen stopped practising with the sword when she saw a good looking stranger approaching her. "A friend of yours Xhen?". Lilie curiously asked.

"No, of course".

"Right, then should I attack him?". Lilie suggested.

"Nope Lilie, let's see what he has to say first. Besides, I could kick his butt if he tries anything stupid with me".

While Li Nan was approaching her, he saw her lips moving, but he scanned the area and saw no one else besides her. "Is she really a human being?". He wondered while asking himself again before finally approaching her.