Escaping/ Leaving

"Is that everything???".

"Yes, Young Mistress". Zhen Zhen replied…. She already packed all of Xhen's stuff.

"I can't continue to stay here like this…. That DEMON is really mean even on our first meeting.... I really hate him". Hmph [she scoffed]…. "He thinks because he's super handsome, that l should fall to his feet and comply with his silly order?? I am done with this SHIT!!!". She yelled out, letting all her frustrations out.

"Good thing I secretly bought a little Manor behind my parents' back". She said, "I can manage there compared to here. We both don't accept this marriage right? So why still pretend". She wondered.

"Exactly!.... That's right, my tough Xhen…. Whatever you decide, just know that I will always stand and be by your side". Lilie assured her.

"Thanks Lilie. I think that's everything? Let's headout". Xhen announced.