The Crown Prince's Palace???

The servants quickly stopped their gossiping as they were approached by Head maid Kim…. She instructed them to go do their chores which they immediately obeyed. They can't dare slack off with their chores, or else they'd get punished, or rather, get deducted from their salaries.

"I need to get out of here asap…." Xi Xhen said to herself. She didn't plan her morning to be like this. Being back to the Palace was her worst nightmare…. Just the thought of last night that she was finally going to be free, instantly turned to her worst nightmare.

"Where do you think you're going??". The calm, yet intimidating voice asked.

"Aya…. What is his problem? What does he want from me?". Xi Xhen thought.. "My home of course". She simply answered with a straight face. She just can't get the main reason he was being clingy to her this morning…. If she was correct, of course she is correct…. He was mean to her yesterday, what's his plan today?. Did he plan on hurting her or what?.