Stubborn Xi Xhen

Xi Xhen started her training with Lilie.

After some minutes….

"You're really a fast learner Xhen". Lilie admired Xi Xhen's fast ability to adapt to new skills.

She already learned how to make objects come towards her upon her command. And she also learnt how to generate fire from her hand.

"Yeah of course, I never take no for an answer". She said with a determined face.

"Cool!, Young Mistress, yah!!!". Zhen Zhen cheered her up.

"Moving to the next, you have to practise making those you want able to see me". Lilie was mostly excited for this part, she really wanted to be seen by Zhen Zhen also, they could perhaps have some nice chat always together. She really likes her, just like Xi Xhen.

Xhen focused on what she was about to do…. She deeply inhaled in and out.