Poisoned/ Cured

"Huh??". Xi Xhen turned her back to see an Enchantress. "Who are you?". She asked the shining beautiful lady.

"I am your past self". The gentle voice echoed.

Xi Xhen- ??

The glowing lights that surrounded the lady slowly faded away to show her slim sharp face.

[This made Xi Xhen gasp in disbelief]. "What the?". Xi Xhen was really amazed, the lady and her are almost similar in facial appearance.... "You really are". Xi Xhen said believing the lady's words. "But how?". She was confused about how she could actually talk to her past life.

"I really don't know how but I don't have much time, your life is in danger now, we have little time left". The lady opened her hands and stretched them out towards Xi Xhen. Xhen understood this so she placed her both hands on top of the lady's hands. Suddenly a bright light came out of their both hands causing her to shut her eyes a little.