Back at Demon Prince Mansion

"There you are…. I've been wondering lately where you are''. Quin Quin announced as soon as she approached Xi Xhen.

"Oh…. You have?". I wonder why?. She thought as she tried to keep a cool facial expression. She won't lie or try to hide the fact that she was still upset about her embarrassing loss in the match. The most embarrassing moment that couldn't easily come off her head, how the hell was she not able to slightly scratch him? Or even make him bleed with her sword?. That's so embarrassing, and an invisible slap to her face and training!.

"Yeah, I wonder why you left in the first place. You didn't even come to see me off". [She sniffed]. "Quin Quin is sad". She muttered.

Xi Xhen rolled her eyeballs in secret before facing Quin Quin. "Sorry…. I guess?. I was about to go to the restroom". She lied.