
[At the top of the roof]. Because of the Black disguise she wore, it was difficult for the guards to spot her. In no time, she jumped down and hid in a safe spot where no one would ever notice her presence. "So Xi Xhen, what do you plan to do with this little buddy right here?". She curiously asked as she pointed her little index finger towards the alive snake that Xhen held carefully.

"Oh this bad boy?(snake?).... Let me think". She turned to face Lilie. "Something extremely bad is going to happen tonight". Her lips suddenly curved into a wicked smirk as she stared at the snake in her hands.

Lillie's hand subconsciously covered her mouth in surprise before she said. "Whoa…. Just By staring at you right now…. I can't help but remember your Demon. You sound exactly like him". This caused Xhen's face to frown in disbelief of what Lilie just announced. How can she compare herself to that Demon Prince?.