Dark Wang Sword.

"You really are a damn idiot. Do you even have an idea about what you're doing?. You will just get yourself killed before you even know it!". Xhen Xhen yelled out at him before telling him to run away since she could handle the bandits by herself.

But Li Nan was persistent and stubborn in his own way. He refused to leave just yet.

"Hey, do you want to get killed on my watch?!. I'm telling you, don't believe the words your sword masters have been telling you. You're not strong like you think you are. See, your right hand holding the sword is childish. Don't tell me you're about to kill a fish or a human?".

Seeing that the bandits charged against them, she was just about to pull Nan Nan to the other side where it was safe, but instead, it was the other way around. Nan Nan pulled her out to safety while he fought the bandits off by himself.