Magic Training Session Begins

Today's Breakfast was very good.

I got to eat very tasty foods like pancakes and creamy soup. Since I am just a one-year-old child, my pancakes were cut into small bite size so I can wolf them down as much as I can.

"Bellona, please slowly eat your food, okay?"


Father told me to slow down with my eating speed, which I complied but still keeps on chowing at my food because it is so delicious. He wryly smiles at my eating habits while mother is quite worried about it for some reason.

"Darling, do you think it is time for her to learn etiquette, right?"

"Perhaps yes, but we should let her learn it when she's a bit older"

My parents then talks about me learning etiquette, which was part of my plan. It's fine by me if they decided to begin it right now, as long as it doesn't interfere my magic training session.

"Hmph, it's better if you find someone can teach my granddaughter to learn etiquette"

"I understand, father. I will find a suitable tutor for her when that time comes"

"You better be!"

Oh, a tutor he says? Well, that's fine as well.

As long the person they chose isn't some condescending and overbearing nobody, I would tolerate that person to teach me. It would be preferable if it is someone like Edna or a kind person.

That being said, I am looking forward to learn the way of a noble lady very soon.


After eating for a while, the whole family finished the meal and all of us went our separate ways to attend their business. As for me, I will now begin my magic training session.

With that motivation in my mind, I climb down the chair with the help of my parents and I went to retrieve my book from a beast maid who was holding it for me while we were eating, I thanked the maid and toddle my way out of the dining room.

Thinking of a place to begin my magic training, I search around the mansion to find a spot I can be comfortable with. I end up choosing a certain clearing within the garden that was obscured by tall hedges.

"Perfect, now it's the time to commence the training session" I muttered to myself as I put down the book I was carrying and scan the pages for a good beginner rank magic to start with.

Water magic is a good magic to begin with but since the novel already did it first, I might come back to this in another time.

Fire magic is good as well, since I have good affinity to fire. However, I do not want to risk burning the garden by accident when I cast a fire spell.

Electric and Ice magic sounds kind of flashy and it will make me stands out a lot. Wind and Nature magic on the other hand, sounds underwhelming to start with.

This leaves the earth magic left in my list of options.


'Okay, let's see how to cast the beginner rank earth magic' I thought to myself as I read the incantation for the magic called [Rock Bullet].

I raised my hand forward and takes a deep breath before initiating the incantation.

"Let the great protection of earth be on the place thou seekest. I call upon the mighty strength of the rock here and now"

"[Rock Bullet!]"

After finishing the incantation of the spell, I felt a sudden surge of mana coming from my whole body and it gathers towards my arm, manifesting a lump of rock out of thin air.

"Incredible... So, this is how magic feels like" I muttered in wonder as watch the rock bullet floating in front of my palm. However, the rock fell down to the ground as soon I lost my concentration.

"Oh man, I wanted to make that rock bullet fly" Feeling down that the magic didn't successfully launch in the air. But then I remembered in the novel that the main character talks about setting up certain parameters in order to make the projectile function as it is. I think was something like setting speed and size, or something.

Maybe I will try that in some other time. For now, I will focus on mastering each of the element's beginner rank incantation and then remembering the feeling of casting the spell in order to achieve its voiceless incantation form. And then lastly, I will try keep casting the same magic in order to increase my mana pool.

That being said, I will try making the same rock bullet but without the incantation.

As I was about to start my experiment, I just realized something. I remembered the main protagonist passing out after firing the second magic because of mana exhaustion.

If I try casting another magic now, I will certainly pass out after doing that. Plus, I am also in the middle of the clearing, so it would be weird if someone seeing me laying on the ground.

I need to find a good place to stay after passing out of mana exhaustion.

"Let see, hmm... Ah, I found one" Looking at a gazebo-like structure on the middle of the garden, I toddle towards it and try climbing the sofa.

Once seated, I continued my experiment and commencing the voiceless incantation of the rock bullet.

I concentrate my thoughts and remembering the flow of mana surging within my body. Deep in focus, I tried replicating the feeling without saying the incantation.

"HAH!" I shout out loud as I successfully cast rock bullet voicelessly.

"Yes, I did it. I successfully... Urgh.... My head..."

Suddenly, I felt a bit nauseated after casting the rock bullet. My vision went blurry and my body became stiff. The rock I just manifested was drop to the ground and rolled out of the Gazebo.

Eventually, I slowly lose consciousness and passed out at the sofa, unable to move.

'Welp, this sucks. I should have seen this coming' these were my last thoughts before blacking out.


[Philip POV]

It has been several hours since I last saw Bellona.

The last time I saw her is when she left the dining area with the book that I gave her. I was hoping she doesn't do anything reckless and accidentally read the text out loud.

With my worries sticked to my mind, I went on searching for my daughter to see what was doing. I questioned the beast maids of the mansion if they saw her and one of them pointed out that she went to the garden.

Now that I know Bellona's location, I went to the garden and start searching for her. And there, I found her laying down at the sofa within the garden's gazebo. I silently approach her and examine my daughter's state.

From what I can tell, she is currently sleeping with the book serving as her pillow. I gently smile at the charming image of my daughter dozing off after a whole day of reading.

I carefully picked my daughter up and carried her in my arms. I also grabbed the book and place it on her chest on which she instinctively hugs it tightly with her tiny arms.

After retrieving my daughter, I went back inside and heads towards her room. I instructed the beast maids to follow me and they all complied as I lead them to where I was going.

Arriving at the destination, I ordered them to change my daughter's clothes without waking her up and then told them to put her to bed silently.

Complying to my commands, the beast maids did their job just as I told. While they are working, I look at the book that my daughter was reading earlier and pondered, will my daughter going to become a powerful magician in the future?

If so, it would be great if she agrees on taking over the succession of the Boreas Greyrat bloodline and abolish the tradition that took my first son from my family.

Only time will tell could decide the fate of my daughter's future decision and I am ready to support her no matter what.

That being said, I kept on waiting in my daughter's room and soon the beast maids completed their tasks. I dismiss them and told them to return doing their usual choirs in the mansion.

Following my instruction, the maids exit the room, leaving only me and my daughter at peace. I quietly walk towards my daughter's bed and face towards her.

I slowly reach my hand towards her and tuck her with a blanket. I then pet her head before walking away from her bed and exits the room.

"Bellona, you will become a fine and outstanding noble in the future. I promise you that"

I reminded myself to properly train my daughter on the days onwards as I went back to my office.