Going out

Yunyun quickly return to the core room after she finished her work. 

"Phew." Yunyun sighed and wiped the none existing sweat from her small forehead. "Yunyun didn't expect it to end so soon."

"What ends? We are moving to Space Village."

"What no master, let Yunyun rest."

She looked at him with a puppy face. Ignoring that, he glanced at the small crystal in his hand. Both of them got transferred to the parallel space attached to the dungeon.

As Grave transferred inside the space village, he found himself floating in space. Looking around, he found a huge, endless black land below him. Above the land, there was bank space filled with light coming from different stars, nothing else.

The land was so vast that he did not know the actual end even after exploring so much in his last life. Same as in the dungeon, a control panel popped up in front of him. Wasting no time, he ordered Yunyun and started working.

He had purchased multiple terrains for space villages from forest to desert. It was like the combination of different terrains making a complete environment. His focus was only on a minor part of the land for now.

Making space village environment took him 5 hours. He made sure that all five snake species had prey and predators present. He placed them in a pentagon shape. On each point, there was a different snake species.

He had used all the resources he could to make sure of the even growth of each snake species.

He even put some hunters that could hunt snakes. Now all he had to do was to wait for their number to increase and then he could start his plans.

Grave and Yunyun both came out of the space village crystal. Yunyun lay flat on the ground.

"Finally, Yunyun can rest now. Master is bad. Master made Yunyun do so much work. Bad Master."

Yunyun started shredding crocodile tears. Completely ignoring her Grave placed down Space Village crystal next to where the dungeon core was present.

The process of building the dungeon floor and village was fairly fast. Probably the fastest among other Dungeon masters out there.

It took Grave 2 actual days to complete all this. Real-time and game time flow with 1:2. 1 hour of the real world is equivalent to 2 hours in the game. This time it only took him 3 hour and half hours of game time to finish all this.

Grave checked the dungeon status and Serpent Village status.

{Space Village -> Serpent Village}


Dungeon level -> 1

Dungeon floors -> 2/2

Boss monster -> 0/2

Capacity -> 400/3000

Fund -> 20 gold



< Serpent Village status (space) >

Village capacity-> 900/∞.

Time difference -> 1: 10.


Without wasting time, Grave said to Yunyun, "Yunyun, transfer me to the nearest starting village."

Hearing this, Yunyun got up. "Master, there is only one village that is near here. 'Blackcoal village'. Do you want me to transfer you there?"

The dungeon master was not bounded to the dungeon they could play the game like normal players but with few restrictions.

He was only level 1 for now. To level up, he needed experience. He could not get experience by killing the monster present in his dungeon. He had to go out for that.

Grave nodded his head at Yunyun.

"Ok Master, remember you have a 1-week  dungeon protection period active. And you cannot go out from a certain distance from the dungeon. And.."

"Wait, I already know all of this, so transfer me now."

"Ok, See you soon Master."

ZAP! he was transported to the spawn point in Blackcoal village

Grave was excited... he looked at the skies, and seeing the clear sky a crazy smile formed on his face.

Grave looked around and saw a scene all too familiar, most of the new players who spawned in the village were mesmerized at how real the world felt.

Many hyper-players rushed for quests and hunt animals while some casual players are enjoying the scenery.

Grave moved forward and called out the system menu.


Player Name: Grave

Species: Human being

Class: Dungeon Master

Subclass: None.

Title: Master of Serpent Cave.

Level: 1[0/200]

Health: 100/100

Mana: 100/100


AGL: 5 VIT: 5

INT: 5 STA: 5

STR; 5 DEF: 5

Status: Healthy.


Checking his stats, he looked at Blackcoal Village. It had been 1 year since the game started. Some other guys had already completed many of the unique quests. Still, Grave knew a unique event that would happen in 6-7 months in the future.

That event was started because of the action of a player. Grave planned to do that event in advance.

Now, to make the best use of that event, Grave needed to level up and get some suitable pieces of equipment.

'Off to leveling',  with that though he took out his trainee sword and ran into the wild.


The way Skills worked in 'Liberty Online', as you needed to either train in the skill manually yourself and learn to execute a skill flow, or upon slaying monsters or clearing dungeons, you may get skill tokens

Upon learning a skill, it would disintegrate but you could instantly learn a skill using a skill token.

People who had prior knowledge had basic skills present when they started the game.

Grave, even at level 1, knows 3 skills he used extensively for the one year of his life as well as 4 years past.

Sword skills

Slash, Stab, and Parry.

The absolute basic sword skills that did not need anything else. 

There were so many people on each hunting ground that finding a monster was very hard. Grave passed a swarm of players toward the forest to find some wandering wolves.

He found a pack of 5 wolves resting near the start of the forest. He was the first to spot them.

Wolves were level 3- 10 monsters around the starting village. The deeper one goes into the forest, the higher the level of wolves. Generally, they were hunted by groups of level 5 players, But Grave was confident enough to pull it off.

He started scouting his surroundings and hide behind a large tree before throwing a small pebble into a bush near him.

It alerted the whole pack. Two of the wolf came to check it out. Just as they peeked behind the bush,


-150 HP

One of the wolves died instantly before the second wolf's reaction. Grave stabbed at his heart.


- 50 HP

Taking the damage, the wolf moved back to the pack.

One down Now 4 wolves were charging in on him

Grave ran around trees to slow down

the wolves as damaged then one at a time


It only took him 8 mins with half of his stamina depleted that he finally slayed all 5 wolves

Killed 5 wolves


+ 150% level suppression bonus

+ 20% herd bonus

+ 600 exp




"Hahaha, well that's easy", Grave laughed as one single pack gained him 2 levels.

"System open status"


Player Name: Grave

Species: Human being

Class: Dungeon Master

Subclass: None.

Title: Master of Serpent Cave.

Level: 3

Health: 120/120

Mana: 110/110


AGL: 5 VIT: 5

INT: 5 STA: 5

STR; 5 DEF: 5

Status: Healthy.

Unassigned stat points: 14

Equipment: Trash Trainee sword


Each level-up increases the Hp of all players by 10 and mana by 5.

Grave looked at the 14 unassigned stats points. His class is one of the most unique classes present and that was the perk of a much rare class.

Grave got 2 more stats than other common players.

Now it times for stat distribution. There was no necessary stat for the Dungeon master class, as the Dungeon master was not a fighting class.

Grave is planning to go with the Swordmaster sub-class. It was a standard distribution that Swordmaster could only learn physical combat skills, but he was planning to follow one of the most unique stat distributions made by a magic Swordmaster. That guy was strong with that build.

Hence, he assigned 5 stats in agility, 4 stats in strength, and 2 stats in stamina. He saves the last 3 stats point.

"System open status"


Player Name: Grave

Species: Human being

Class: Dungeon Master

Subclass: None.

Title: Master of Serpent Cave.

Level: 3

Health: 120/120

Mana: 110/110


AGL: 10 VIT: 5

INT: 5 STA: 7

STR; 9 DEF: 5

Status: Healthy.

Unassigned stat points: 3

Equipment: Trash Trainee sword



Weapons Ranks:

Trash-> Iron-> Bronze-> Silver-> Gold-> Dark gold-> Epic-> Legendary->???->???