War against wolves

A low howl was all it took to start a massacre.

Just after the small silver wolf howled, all wolves came to stand still. After a few seconds of pause, they rushed toward the player in greater numbers. Even the wolves who were in the forest came back to attack players.

Being attacked from both ends broke the balance and before players could understand what happening, a bloody massacre started.

As Grave entered the village, he found many players were already respawning.

Grave moved into the village. Looking around, he found most of the players spawning in the village were non-guild players.

He saw the village chief rush toward the gate of the village, reaching there, the village chief took out a Green gem and broke it on the village entrance.

A green barrier covers the entire village. Nodding his head, Village Chief loudly said to the player.

"Adventures, we will be grateful to you all if you protect our village from the Wolf king's wrath. But it seems that it was impossible after seeing your brutal one-sided defeat." He sighed, many players hung their heads low. 

Some came forward to say. "Sir, they caught us in an unexpected situation."

"Yes, sir. This time, we will definitely kill the wolves. We just need some time to plan."

"Sir, you could guide us a little. We will definitely get our revenge on wolves." They all chimed in. 

They knew that the Village chief's appearance was no coincidence. He could be the key to success.

"Alright, I believe in you guys. I use a precious item to get some time. You all see this green barrier around the village."

Players nodded their heads. 

The village chief continued," For the next 1 hour, no wolves can enter the village. In this one hour, you all can prepare your plans. To properly defend the village, you can follow the Chief guard's orders. For the next hour, we will help you as much as we can. Now the safety of our village is in your hands." Saying, this village chief walked away.

Players were confused at this sudden event. They were not expecting a sudden event like this.

Many guild members wanted to use this opportunity to promote themselves and they were trying to control the situation for the players.

NPCs present in the village were also scared. Many shops had issued discount prices for equipment. Many of the players rushed at this opportunity.

There was also movement from guard NPCs. Some players decided to go with the village chief's advice and decided to follow the chief guard's orders. They went to the entrance of the village and started building barriers and traps.

No one could enter or leave the village for 1 hour. They were waiting for wolves to come near the village after the end of this waiting period.

Being a free choice game Liberty Online did not depend on hints and other things. From the last 1 year, players know that following NPC advice would not ensure 100% success. So, many players were doing whatever they wanted.

Overall, there was complete chaos in the village. Everyone was doing what they could to prepare themselves for the last battles with the wolves.

Grave sat on the rooftop of one of the houses and examined the whole situation. He knew that the chances of completing both quests are less than 5%. The second task required protecting NPC villagers, which was much harder than the first task which would finish once you killed the Son of wolf king.

At this time, many high-level players spawn in the village.

"Oh, Even guild top guild players were not able to survive."

"Damn, wolves were so hard to fight."

"Haa, Losser, you cannot even take down 1 single wolf."

"Shut your damn mouth, 3 Wolves jump at me at the same time"

"Dude, what the FK with those elite wolves?"

"Damn, they squash us like bugs."

As many guild members spawn back, they rush to see the overall situation of the village. They were pretty organized. One could easily tell apart the guild members and non-guild members.

"Things will be interesting from here, hehehehe." Grave jumped down and blended into the crowd.

Different guilds started working together to take hold of the situation in the village. Many players wanted to do something like recklessly charging at wolves, but they calm down after guild members convinced them not to.

The top member of the Guild gathers together, for a meeting. Many were waiting for them to take command of the war. After 30 minutes of bickering, they came to the village plaza for the announcement.

At the village plaza, guilds came to deliver their war plan and other schemes of things. Many guilds came forwards and announced the provision of discounted potions and weapons for non-guild players.

Every guild was investing so much in this event. This was a make-it-or-break-it, even for them. An item from an A+ rank event could make anyone an emerging powerhouse in the game. They all wanted that.

Hearing their not-so-impressive plan, Grave thought to himself.'Damn, they are spending so much on this event. I cannot let them have their way, can I.'

Thinking that Grave walked away from there.

Everyone was excited about the upcoming war with wolves. In the chat community, there were many posts regarding this war. Many offline players who were not online also joined the game.

The blackcoal payer count was at an all-time high at this time. Just like that, 1 hour passed with all this commotion and preparation.


At this time, everyone stood in front of the village. They had some basic formation, but not much.

The basic formation was like there were 2 waves of non-guild players on the front. Guild members forced/convinced most of the non-guild fighter players to stay at the front.

Behind these 2 waves was a wave of mage players comprising many guild members + non-guild members.

Just after mages were many small groups of support players. There were not any wave formations but most of the support members formed small groups.

Behind the supports were many teams of guilds which were standing just before traps and barriers placed in front of the village. On paper, they claim themselves as the last line of defense.

This was 5 layer strategy introduced by guilds. Another name of this strategy was ' If you are not part of the guild, then fuck off.'

He was part of the 2nd wave. Grave knew that guilds behind him would only try to locate the small silver wolf and then rush to kill it. He had to do something to make it impossible for them to move. 

Suddenly, howling sounds started coming from the forest in front of the players.




The sound of howling started ringing in their ears. The trees shook in front of them and then a small silver wolf jumped out first. 

Behind the silver wolf, one after the other, many wolves came out of the forest. Hundreds of wolves came out and stood in front of the silver wolf.

Players gulped down their saliva while looking at hundreds of wolves in front of them.


With a loud howl from the small silver wolf who was now hiding in the crowd, Wolves start rushing toward the village.


"Let go, guys"

"It's time for some real hot dogs."

"Kill these bi@ches in front of you."

Someone shouted.


Everyone followed afterward.



It was pure madness from this point onward. With loud shouts, both the first and second waves of fighter players rush toward the wolves.
