[Bonus] Meeting with Munna Bhai

"Did you take me as a simp that will show you the way? You want to meet Munna Bhai, go yourself."

Roan calmly said, "Wasooli Bhai, I already message Munna Bhai that we are coming together."

Roan pointed his finger toward himself and then moved it to Wasooli Bhai. "You and me."

Wasooli Bhai has his eye wide open and mumbles in a low tone. "Already….msg… y..me"

Roan did not hear clearly, but he nodded his head. Just as he nodded steel pipe fell from Wasooli Bhai's hand.

Wasooli Bhai turned toward Goon B and shouted. "What are you doing standing there with a steel pipe in your hand? You bastard order a tea for my Brother Roan. "

He kicked Goon A and shouted. "Roan Bhai is the guest of Munna Bhai make arrangements for a car."

Turing toward Roan, Wasooli Bhai asks. "Brother, do you need anything more with tea?"

Both goons, A, and B, were shocked at the Wasooli Bhai transformation. Still, they complied with the order.

Roan said, "Don't waste my time on these things. Common let's go to the Bhai Guild. I do not want to make Munna Bhai wait for me."

"Sure brother" Saying that Wasooli Bhai kicked his goons and walked to a place where their bikes were parked.

There were only 2 bikes present there.

On one bike, Wasooli Bhai and Roan sat while on the other, both goons.

They moved at a fast speed through busy streets. After 30 mins they reached a medium size building. This building was like any other guild building, but there were gangsters present in this building.

Getting down from the bike, Roan moved toward the reception. Wasooli Bhai followed behind him.

At the reception, a beautiful lady was managing it. At least gangsters know about the common appeal.

The receptionist asked Roan. "Welcome to the Bhai Guild. How may I help you, sir?"

"Is guild leader Munna Bhai present in the building? I want to meet him."

"Do you have any appointment fixed with the guild leader?"

"No, tell him Player Grave came to meet him."

Herring No Wasooli Bhai was shocked. This fcking simp dares to play with him. His hand moved toward the steel pipe.

The receptionist asks again. "Sorry sir, what's your name again??"

"Grave, Grave the sword-throwers"

"GRAVE… Grave, Wow, are you real? I am your huge fan. Can you give me your autograph?"

Hearing the shout of the receptionist, many gang members came out with weapons in their hands, but as they heard the name Grave, they surround Roan.

"Wow brother, you were so cool yesterday."

"I am a big fan of your sword-throwing skills."

"Is it true that you have a unique class?"

Grave had a unique fan base among gangsters. At this time, someone pointed at the short Wasooli Bhai, who has a steel pipe in his hand.

"Who is this, shorty?"

"Is he threatening you or something?"

"Who let this shorty enter the guild?"

They started ganging on Wasooli Bhai. Wasooli Bhai could not handle this pressure and started crying loudly. "I am not threatening him or anything. I am like his younger brother. We came together."

Wasooli Bhai turns toward Roan and asks with tears in his eyes. "Right brother, Tell them I am not threatening you or anything."

Roan just looked at Wasooli Bhai for a few seconds, then nodded his head.

Wasooli Bhai shed tears of happiness. "See, I am his brother."

"Oops, Sorry."

Saying that they ignore Wasooli Bhai and once again focused on Grave (Roan).

"So, brother, what are you here for?"

Roan said, "I'm here to meet Munna Bhai."

Just as they heard this, they stop speaking. There was a pin-drop silence in the reception.

The receptionist hurriedly came forward.

"Wait a minute, I will call guild master now."

Saying this, she called someone on the phone. After some time, she sighed and said. "Mister Grave Guild Master wants to meet you."

Roan nodded his head. The receptionist guided him toward the guild master room.

Entering the door, he looked at Munna Bhai. Munna Bhai looked just like the image of a gangster Roan had in his mind.

Munna Bhai was black with many gold chains on his neck. He was bald with many scars on his face. Bhai was smoking a cigar. He wore black sunglasses even indoors.

There were many guns placed on the table in front of the Munna Bhai. Roan felt highly pressured to stand in front of him. Still, Roan composed himself and said. "Good morning Bhai."

Munna Bhai nodded his head.

Not wasting any time talking about here and there, Roan speaks about the main topic. "Bhai, I want a meeting with the guild master of Abyss."

Not a second passed, and Munna Bhai picked a gun and pointed it at Roan's head.

'Damn, why I picked the path to deal with gangsters out of all other paths? All gangster has short fuse.' Roan cursed at the whole gangster species in his head. He was unsure of his choice but he knew this was the fastest path. 

Munna Bhai said at this time, "You do not have what it takes to talk with him."

Roan looked down and said, "I know that Bhai."

Munna Bhai asked, "Then why are you trying to meet him?"

"Here, this is the price I will give this to have a chat with him."Saying that Roan took out his phone. He opened a photo of Silver Token of Gratitude and slides his phone toward Munna Bhai.

Munna Bhai was shocked to see the photo of the silver token and asked. "This is the token that let you directly become the Viscount while skipping Baron rank in Algoma kingdom."

Roan nodded, "Yes,"

Munna Bhai asked again, "You want to give this just for a meeting with the Abyss guild leader."


Munna Bhai started thinking about something and said. "You know Abyss is one of the top 5 guilds in the Algoma kingdom and in the top 100 in the 5th server, right?"

"Yes, I know. That is why I offer this."

"Still, I do not get why you came to me ' a guild master of the affiliated guild of Abyss guild.' You can directly approach Abyss guild, right? Your answer this will decide your future." Saying that Munna Bhai placed his finger on the trigger.

Roan was not much afraid now. Dying one time has increased his guts and he realized Munna

Bhai got hooked, he said. "Time. I do not want to waste my time while doing that."

Hearing this reply, Munna Bhai pressed the trigger.
