
"Tell me your name and your duty," Roan asked in pain tone.

"Good day sir, I am Leena and from today onward I am your secretary. I will follow your every command and help you make decisions," Leena said in a mechanical emotionless voice.

Roan nodded his head and spoke. "You see Leena, I did not want a secretary but a slave who follows my every command. So let me ask you do you still want to work for me."

Leena nodded her head within a second. There was no emotion on her face.

"Strip," Roan said while looking at her. 1st, 4th, and 5th daemon all stood up hearing that.

"What is this absurdity," 4th Daemon shouted.

"This is a meeting hall, not your home stop this," 1st Daemon said.

5th Daemon looked at the guild master, who was now staring at Roan with interest.

Roan paused, then looked at the guild master and spoke, "Sir, should I continue my test?".

"Go on," the guild master said for the first time in the meeting. Everyone quieted down hearing him.