Plans... for fun.

Yunyun zapped in front of him. She had flowers covering her whole body. There were flower necklaces, then there flower bracelets, a flower head crown, and many more. 

Grave really wanted to puke. Controlling the urge, he asked, "What were you doing all this time?"

"Stupid master, don't you see? Yunyun was doing a quality check of the forest."

Grave looked at her and asked, "what kind of quality control have you been doing all this time?"

"Well, I was checking if flowers were poisons or not."

"and what the use of it "

"stupid master, you do not know. Yunyun was sacrificing herself for snakeys"

Grave smacked his head. "But why?" 

Yunyun looked down and spoke, "What if some snakey dies after eating flowers?"

Grave just looked at her, saying nothing. After some time, he mumbled to her. "if you found any poisonous flowers, then force them in my mouth. I WANT YOU TO KILL ME", he screamed.