Power of life.....

Both Dwarfs came to him and swung their hammers up and down. Roan nodded his head at them. 

"Lord. What. Next. To. Do?" both of them asked him. 

'Such hardworking workers.' 

Grave smiled and asked them, "So, did you guys finish the gene lab work?" 

They nodded their head. 

"Okay, next up you guys have 2 things to do." Dwarfs nodded their heads. "1st you need to make 1000 wooden treasure chests. Next, go to the arena construction and work on the detail of the lake and canals. And here, take these weeds."

Grave took out all the weeds from his inventory. There were 2 small stacks of weeds formed there. "Plant all of them near the north lake. You can order goblins as you like, but make sure to see and improve the basic construction plan as you fit."