
Grave needed to perform many mock experiments before he could even think about touching the World tree seed. 

All of this was because Grave knew nothing about plant type at all, so his only option left was to perform some trial-and-error experiments and try to learn more about plant essence like the good old way.

"Sigh, I need many snake species for my experiment. It's time to leech my guild off. Yunyun teleport me to Gazzi city." 

< aaye aaye master> Grave heard inside his head. 


  Grave teleported to the city. Grave looked around and then walked toward the Abyss guild hall. 

Looking around, he found the number of players in the city was far much more than it was earlier. 

There were so many players in the city that they almost jammed the main marker road of the city. Grave reached the guild hall and moved to the second floor. 

Two NPC guards blocked his path and pointed spears toward him.