Selection end.. Team finalize

The guy stopped and looked at Grave. "Are you sure, sir?" 

"Bastard, stop that, haha. Everyone is looking weirdly at me."

Guy looked around and nodded his head. 

  "You are creative. Tell me your name." Grave extended his hand for a handshake. 

  "I am Maddog." shook hands.

"Yup, I expect something like that." Grave nodded his head. 

Maddog looked at him and asked, "Sir, how is it? Did you like my name choice?" 

"Well, I am not the one to ask about the name. Let me just call you Vice from now on." 

"Vice is it? Okay," Maddog nodded his head. 

"Wellcome to the team Vice." 

"Hehe, thank you."

"Announce what your task was. We don't want any misunderstanding," Grave said to him while smiling. 

Everyone focused on Vice. He said, "My task is related to the branch manager." 

"Tell the whole task vice," Grave said from the side.