Puffpandas paradise

The team assembled in front of Grave just before the gate of the panda paradise. 

All the surrounding players noticed them and started talking among themselves. 

"Why are those guys assembled in front of the gate?"

"Are they planning to hunt pandas?" 

"Haha, do you think those looser who do not have a single piece of equipment will hunt pandas god?" 

"They are committing game genocides." 

"Are they performing a ritual of something?"

"They are offering themselves to the panda god."

"What kind of offering are you talking about?"

"Stop, guy, no one can use the pandas' god in bad ways."


"I think they were a bunch of retards." 

Grave ignored all this and looked at his team. They had embarrassed looks on their face. 

"Dog and bitches looked here!" Grave shouted at them. "Did you guys finish making your team?" 

A few of them nodded while others looked down in shame.