
Grave walked to the next hunting ground. The White forest.

Many layers of white webs covered trees in the forest. 

There were many players crowded at the entrance of the white forest. 

Most of them were non-guild players. 

A few guild players were standing at the entrance with the Abyss guild logo on their armor. 

The Abyss guild controlled this hunting ground. Grave walked to the entrance of the Dark forest. 

2 guild players rushed toward him, "Good day, sir." 

Grave nodded his head. Today's meeting had done wonders to spread his reputation through the guild.

Gave asked, "So give me a description of this hunting ground." 

Both guys nodded, "Sir, this was one of the best hunting grounds around the city." 

Grave nodded his head and motioned them to continue. 

"Sir, our guild explores 3 parts of the hunting ground  to date. 1st Core part, one level 50 EPIC Tier 0 MOTHER SPIDER, controlled that area."