Consolation ...

"Hahaha, I was always smarter than you, stupid master, haha" Yunyun was about to rush toward baby snakes when Grave said.

"Yunyun, you just made a minor mistake of not properly following my command. Now even I cannot save you."

Yunyun froze. She looked at him in shock. Grave just shook his head. "Sigh. now I need to see ugly Yunyun." Grave placed his hand on the chest. 


"I need to prepare myself for that." Grave made a helpless face at her and logged out of the game.

Roan walked out of the game pod and went to sleep. 

Taaaaakkkk Tooookkkk


Loud crying woke him up. "Fck, what the hell happens?" Roan rushed to the door and as he opened it, someone jumped on him. 

Roan fall down to the ground with someone in his hand. He looked down to see Dhruv crying in his hands.