Meeting Duke's Daughter

Next morning, Takk takk!

Roan woke up from the door-knocking sound. Aria was there with coffee for him. Roan looked at her and asked, "Where is Dhruv?" 

"Little sir is sleeping."

Roan nodded his head and said, "good, call the DGP and tell me him to send the girl as early as possible. " 

"Sir, what are you planning to do? You know this may lead to many problems." 

Roan shook his head, "Don't worry, I know what I am doing. You just follow my command." 

Aria nodded her head and rushed out of Roan's room. 

Roan went back to the room and started going through his daily routine.

Outside the Roan's house.

Duke looked at his daughter, "sweetheart I am sorry. But you need to help me." 

His daughter made a scary face and asked him, "Dad, what is going to happen in there?" 

Duke looked down and didn't say anything. Getting no answer, she just stared down.