Slave contract signing...

"Did you not believe me?" Roan made a shocked face. Then he blushed, "I can... Show you if you want to see it. I do have an enormous sword, I promise."

"I do not want to talk about this nonsense." 

"Why are you angry?" Roan said with a frown, then, "Shit." He looked up and down at Mike and said, "Sorry, I did not know that. Sorry for your loss. Wait, but what if you were born without it? I am stupid. Sorry, Mike." Roan looked down with a guilty face. 

"Puff," Aria started laughing. 

Looking at the beauty, laughing at him, Mike was completely red. "Stop it. I have a proper working sword. " 

"Hahaha, Aria, why do you laugh? I was so good this time." Roan looked at Aria and said. 

"Hehehe Sorry for that, sir." 

Mike had his mouth wide open at that. 

Roan bend down and looked at Mike. He said in a deep tone, "Mike, I think you know that knowing too much could lead to many problems." 

"Problem like what?"