The 2 shocking species

After the title announcement ceremony, Gave commanded all the brave fangs to take some rest. 

Goblins and orcs started their after-fight duties. Grave was looking at his notes in shock. "The fck happen." 

There were no problems with all the dominating snakes, but there were 2 more snake species added to the list. These 2 species did not show any strong fighting power throughout the fight, but they just changed the result in many pits.

They did nothing much but just win the fight. 

Grave just started at those notes. "What the fck with these 2 types? How the fck so many of them survived from this type?"

The first of them was the brown Glodon Cobra. Its venom could cause the victim's body to solidify slowly, like stone. The fact was that only one or 2 of them survived, but there were 50 different snakes bitten by them that won the fight. They became the greatest supporter in the winning of many other snakes.