Start of emergency meeting...

All the eyes in the meeting room were on the screen projecting the journey of the panda hero and the start of the panda cult.

They were looking at different videos of people coming and begging panda heroes for salvation against the guilds.

Then there were many experts and top journalists mocking the Abyss guild and a few of them also spewing bad stuff about the panda hero and how he was part of the abyss guild. People were in a mess when they knew about this fact and the most messed up of all was the Daemons' situation.

For one hour straight, they said nothing and continued to one video after another on how players were supporting panda heroes and them getting cursed in one video after another.

2nd demon stand up and shouted to the guild master. "Dad, why are you showing us one video after another? What is the point in doing that?" 

The guild master looked at him and then shook in the head. He turned his head to the first Daemon.