Team direction...

Roan just lay down on the sofa closing his eyes for some time. He knew that within a few days, the main kingdom event would start. With his fcking low level, he could hardly change anything. 

The Guild had survived this storm in his last life, but now that so many things change in the guild he had a bad feeling. 

'Abyss was in highlight because of me. I need to disappear from the spotlight till the main event starts.' Roan thought and got up and moved to his room. 

Not wasting any time, he entered the gaming pod. 

Grave opened his eyes in the Gazzi city. He looked around and then walked out of the city toward the panda paradise. 

There he found many people attempting to go inside the panda paradise and grabbing the panda baby. In that group, Grave found his team and saw Vice lecturing them.