The influence of monster birth

"This is interesting," Grave mumbled to himself. 

He looked back at the first tree. It was from the Pink Dungeon master village. That tree had a different type of internal veins in it than this one from the Demon Dungeon master village. 

Grave changed to the third tree. It was from the skeleton village, and as he zoomed in on the trunk of the tree, he found that the number of veins pipes in the trunk was far less compared to the first two. But the size of each vein pipe was far large.

Grave changed to the tree from the Element Dungeon master village and in this tree, there were a massive number of small little veins. He found these veins were in a group of 6 small veins and there were thousands of these groups in the tree trunk.

All of this intrigued Grave. The same tree, but in a different village, had little difference in their internal structure.