
Grave rushed toward the spider on his left. 


Spider monster screamed at him and tried to stab him with its 2 front legs. He moved in and dodge the first leg. The second leg appeared in front of his face. He wasted no time and used the parry to redirect the attack. 

Before the spider could do anything more, Grave rolled forward and reached down to the spider's body. 

He looked up at the defenseless spider body and Puchi!

Stabbed his sword deep up into the spider's body. 


The spider screamed and moved 4 of its front leg down. 'Shit! it was about of fall.' He pulled out his sword and rolled out from the side of the spider. 

Thud! Spider's body fell to the ground. 

'Few that was close.' He turned back and was about to jump on the spider's head, but he saw 2 white projectiles coming at him.