Grave in meeting

5th Daemon nodded her head. 

The guild master said, "No, forget about that and just use the guild call to connect all the Daemons in the meeting." 

All the Daemons in the meeting hall had their eyes wide in shock. The Guild call was a special call that no player in the guild could ignore. This was the first time they saw the guild master using this call. 

5th Daemon nodded her head, and then she walked out of the meeting hall. After some time, her projection formed on her seat. She looked at the guild master and said, "I connect the meeting hall to the game. Let me call the Tier 3 player first." 

Guild master nodded his head. This was the advanced feature that the top guild of a kingdom had where few players of the guild could temporarily connect to each other in projection form in the game or real life. 

Crrrrrrrr loud sound came from the speakers in the hall and the projection of 4th and 6th Daemon formed on their seats.