Left behind Maggots

He looked at the front and said, "All the team leaders come forward." 

All the players looked around and then a few people moved to the front. A total of 13 players came in front of him. 

Grave smiled at them and said, "I think many of you know about me." 

Most of them nodded their head.

The branch manager said from the side, "Sir, there are some of the lifestyle leaders. "

He nodded and moved his left hand to the side. "Lifestyle leaders, come to my left, please." 

3 players moved to his left. He turned to the branch manager and asked, "How many players are left in the city under Abyss?" 

The branch manager scratched his head and said, "let me call my secretary," as he said 4 secretaries moved behind him. 

Grave raised his eyebrows at their efficiency. One of them told him, "Sir, currently there are 1256 fighters and 490 lifestyle players in our control." 

"Mmm, and how many are present in the meeting?"