Yunyun pleads

"waaaa Master stopped the fight!" Yunyun pulled his clothes. Grave ignored her and stared at the snakes. He got so focused that he started sensing the emotions going on in both snakes.

He sensed the emotion of the old snake. This guy spent months training for this fight and did so much hard work to make its coiling strong, all for this moment. He did not doubt if this snake would in other pits the old snake would easily win, but here in this pit, he faced a different monster.

A monster that counters all the old snake attempts, a young snake much younger than the old snake defeating it with such ease. Grave sensed the desperation of doing at least one good attack from old snakes. 

He focused on the young snake. It had the attitude of it was not over till 19 body lay flat in the pit. Its split pupils' eyes were devoid of any respect or sympathy. The young snakes bit the old one with the same intensity as the fight started.