Blaze guild

On the map, Gazzi City was one of the random yellow suns marks pretty far out from the Orange circle.

  The commanding black sun turned to the guild master and said, " Sir this is the final map. As you requested, the circular region from tier 2 city  and then the tier 3 cities around the circle." 

  One of the other black suns asked, "Why these 20 tier 3 cities, Is anything special in them?" 

The commanding black sun nodded. " you see as this is the first time. I want the guild victory to be grand so that is why I choose the city with powerful players."

"Waste of time!"  one other black sun commented. 

The commanding sun said, "I know but it is still better than nothing." he then looked at the guild master, "Master in which order we shall attack the cities and when to start."

The guild master looked lazily and said, "Go in what even order you wanted but divide the attack in 4 days."