Taking time

Roan smiled. "Well, I am planning to enjoy this."

"Looser, what do you mean by that.." 

He heard a high-pitched scream and, looking back, he saw Cheol behind James screaming at him. 

  Roan smiled at Cheol and walked to her.

James the gentleman stood before him, blocking and protecting his girl, "Hey dude, talk to me, not her." 

He smiled at James. "Hehe, I am here to meet you guys. No need to be so protective. I am civil, unlike you guys." He moved face-to-face in front of James. 

Cheol shouted from back, "Why are you so struck on past? I told you multiple times it all over." 

James said in a deep tone, "You heard her, right? What's your problem, Roan?" 

Roan rubbed his chin and said, "Well, I have a problem with her." he pointed to Choel, "and everyone around her." 

As he said, many around stood up.