Last 2 eggs

The large green clouds rushed to small purple clouds showers and collided with the surrounding lighting. Some of the lightning even hit him, but they just passed through his body without harming him. 


In the space village. 

BOOM! Bam!

Yunyun heard a loud sound from the test island and rushed there. She opened her eyes to see the entire main island was now surrounded by dense lighting clouds. 

Baam! Baam! 

Lightning fell on one of the side islands. "What going on now?" she looked at her master and to her surprise she saw the red rune black sword in master's left hand. 

A black fog came out of the sword and covered the master's left hand. The surprising thing was as the black fog increase the 6-element layer around the master backed away. 

Yunyun scratched her head at this scene. She focused on Grave. He was still in an unconscious state.