Chaos in dungeon master forum

Element master: Fck even pink will rise now. I need to step up my game. 

Skeleton master: Best of luck for the event pink. 

Pink master: hehe thanks. 

Element master: forget about Pink. What about you, Skelly? 

Pink master: Yeah, what happens to your latest experiment? 

Skeleton master: hehe It's nothing big, but I was able to successfully able to create my first rare-grade monster. 

Pink master: Hahaha skeleton is so humble and someone was swelling at creating unique grade monsters. 

Element master: fck, I thought, earlier that I finally catch up, but it seems I am still far from it. 

Skeleton master: oh congratulation Element. 

Element master: you too. 

Pink master: Congratulation skeleton. 

Skeleton master: thanks. 

Element master: Sigh everyone doing great. 

Skeleton master: Yeah, I talk with Demon he was also at the crucial stage of his experiment.