Three eggs

A flash of lightning fell, and two pages appeared before him. One close to him other near the space crack.

Grave looked at the golden paper in front of him. 

[Just think about the trade condition and it will appear on the paper] 

He glanced at the space crack and nodded. He added all the trade conditions and smiled.


1. World Tree has to remove all the black corrosion from my mind space.

2. World Tree had to give me 2 high-grade restorative leaves. 

3. World Tree cannot disclose the method to anyone else. 

4. World Tree will not use the knowledge present in the method to harm him and any of his snakes, directly and indirectly.

(provided by player Grave) 

"Here, read this yourself." He motioned with his hand and the page moved toward the space crack. 

The other page moved toward him. It only has one condition: he needed to give the correct method to produce the new hybrid snake.