Hitting the level limit

He turned to the last snake. This guy had 6 red eyes. It was black with red stripes all over its body. There were tiny few tiny arms-like things with razor blades at their end. 

He touched its head and closed his eyes. 

[Epic creature (BOSS): Mutated creature with the power of poison, Chaos, and Divine inside it.

-> Rage (passive): -low- The more injured the creature gets, the stronger it becomes. 

-> Razor sharp - Inflict bleeding status on your opponent. 

-> The smoke of madness (active): - low- Release the smoke made of corrupted gas full of chaos. 

Cooldown: 5 minutes. 

(Weaker monsters can even lose their mind once they come in contact with chaos.)

-> Predatory gaze (passive):-Low- Once the snake locks on its prey, no obstruction can stop its gaze. 

-> Gigantification:-low- increase its size by 10 folds for 5 minutes. 

-> Xxx

-> Xxx

-> Xxx

-> Xxx
