
Tak! The branch manager got up. He sighed in relief that the situation died down pretty fast. He stared at Dhruv with red eyes before moving into the city. 

All the players looked at Dhruv for orders. They once again realized the devil that was behind the little commander.

Dhruv was shaking a little. This was the first time he saw his brother like that. It felt like he was watching someone else. 

It would be a lie if he said he was not shocked. No shock was an underestimation, it was fear. Those dead eyes and thirst for destruction in them were not normal.

He realized the brother in the game was not the same as at home. Soon he calm down and smiled. He was very happy. All this time, he always worried that those bad guys would misuse the brother's talent.

For the past month, he heard so much bad about his brother and his brother never replied directly. He always thought his brother was in a position where he had no power, but he was wrong.