An unfortunate isekai

"As JeiMi Romano, everyone is always following me around. Paparazzi, media persons, daring fangirls.... and boys, even policemen and law enforcement, and it pisses me off."

"So you've never once enjoyed the attention, Mr. Romano?"

"No.... Maybe..... There is one person though. He is always following me around. I never really noticed him till recently but he's always there, thinking I don't notice him, but when he notices me noticing him he runs away like a scared puppy. It makes me wonder, if I decide to chase after him when he runs again, where does he think he can hide away from JeiMi Romano?"

Bl romance writer– Kim Soo-Min never expected that one-day her older sister would maliciously poison her to death out of jealousy. She also had not expected to wake up transmigrated into a book she had long discarded.

Everything is messed up. This isn't right? This book is definitely a romance between An awe inspiring ML and a beautiful heaven defying FL. So why was JeiMi Romano, the half asian devil who was the Villain of the book, suddenly interested in marrying her? Why does she have a system called the Love Bug? Why was Hyun-Min going to die? Worst of all, why was she in the body of Hyun-Min? The forgettable side character who was also by chance MALE.


Kim Soo-Min in the body of Hyun-Min must figure out the mystery of the fated death of Hyun-Min before it's too late while also figuring out why she has something called a Love Bug System in her head.

I caught a love bug. That was the name of the ridiculous drama novel Kim Soo-Min found herself transported into. The drama was written when she was only fourteen, stumbling her way into the yaoi genre, and then making other great yaoi novels that would turn out to be best sellers.

She never really expected that after she was maliciously poisoned by Kim Woo-ra, her elder sister who had been jealous of her smooth success from childhood. Woo-ra was a classic case of being born unfortunate. Since childhood she had been unfortunate, falling in love with a dead beat dead boyfriend that impregnated her when they were in college. Of course Woo-ra, who was still in love with the boyfriend who had run away after hearing of her pregnancy kept the baby, spending the rest of her life taking care of a kid with very little support from her parents.

Woo-ra's eyes turned green with jealousy when Soo-Min won best author awards, became a bestseller, all starting from a platform called Webnovel.

As if being poisoned to death by your treacherous and jealous sister was not enough she was transmigrated into a novel she had written halfway as a mere fourteen year old child! The novel was a ridiculous drama she had scribbled her way to before ultimately abandoning it! It was filled with too OP main characters and an unbelievably unlucky Villain!

I caught a love bug. The novel centered around FL Juliana Peruz, an American college student who transferred to City H after her poor mother got "lucky" and married a rich man. She transferred to City H's prestigious VEVAL College. There the FL who happened to be more beautiful than the skies themselves met with the most wanted, the most handsome and richest ML– Park Jong-soo.

It was instant love at first sight. In the novel Park Jong-soo was dating a Cannon folder character– Melanie Wester. Of course on track with the moronic plot Melanie who was jealous of Juliana planned to mock her of being a man stealer at a yearly college party, which was where Juliana mistakenly met JeiMi Romano, the half asian, half Italian Villain of the story.

JeiMi automatically fell in love with Juliana who loved Jong-soo instead. JeiMi the stubborn, and rugged heir of the Romano Chaebol or rather Empire that had always had everything he had ever wanted since the beginning would not accept Juliana's rejection. He started to use unscrupulous means to win her over. Attacking the ML by sending a hit and run driver over him, luckily Jong-soo had an ML shield that kept him alive.

JeiMi then sent Melanie that had been dumped by Jong-soo to disgrace Juliana in hopes of coming in as her hero. Every act of JeiMi's just turned him further into the Villain in Juliana's eyes.

Kim Soo-Min never completed the book so she wasn't aware how it end but there was something wrong than ending up in a ridiculous book. Kim Soo-Min had….. she had ended up in the body of a man!

A blonde haired boy squeezed his apron while glaring into space. She couldn't believe it, she thought she was lucky after getting a second chance at life but this was absurd! How does she… a woman end up in a boy's body!

"I'm I really cursed for writing this stupid book in the first place?" The deep voice was the only thing that allowed you to realize that this boy was indeed male.

And of all the male bodies she could have entered…. She wouldn't even mind entering the ML's body but…. She had transmigrated into the body of a Cannon Folder.

Shin Hyun-Min.

At first when she had woken up in Hyun-Min's body she was confused. She, the author of the book, had been confused who the character was! It was because Shin Hyun-Min's character could barely pass as a Cannon Folder…. He was more of a shuffle-pass-character.

When she recollected some of her memories of Shin Hyun-Min she nearly broke down in tears. Hyun-Min was a rich brat at VEVAL College, he was the sixth son of the Shin industries, a disgrace to his Father. Hyun-Min's character was so terrible, and so disgusting that almost everyone in the book hated him, including the Villain.

According to the plot Hyun-Min was in love with Jong-soo, and planned to compete for his love with Juliana.

Pfft! Soo-Min internally sneered at the stupid boy. Everybody hated him. He ended up with broken legs for Jong-soo. He had pushed Jong-soo out of the way when the truck came and had taken the hit.

Funniest thing was after that the character was not mentioned again. It was like Jong-soo didn't even know of Hyun-Min and that he had lost his legs for him.

Both Jong-soo and JeiMi were responsible for his tragedy. After all, one had sent a truck after Jong-soo who Hyun-Min had saved and the other could care less that he had lost his legs for him.

—Ding! Ding! Host has received a grade F injury!

A blonde haired boy with the clearest of mocha colored eyes looked down at his hands. Blood was dripping from the slice wound on his palm.

"Aish," he groaned, before dropping the knife in his hand on the sink. He looked up from the injury to the ceiling. "Aish! You have got to be kidding me? What is this? Is dying not enough? I should fucking wear this trouble magnet body a hazmat suit!"

—Ding! Will the host like to buy a healing lotus from the Love Fountain?"

His body stiffened for a moment. His delicate face shifted from the irritated expression it was into one of an entitled, lofty look.

There was one more thing she was surprised with when she transmigrated to this world.

The Love Bug System.

At first Soo-Min was happy to have woken up with a system, which she would need if she was going to live in this unfortunate body but quickly she realized something…..

The System was useless.

'How do I buy a healing lotus?' Hyun-Min spoke in his mind.

—Host can use his brownie points to buy a class F healing lotus called the lapis lazuli.

Hyun-Min's eyes twitched after being referred to as "he" but it was to be expected. All the servants in the Shin Compound had been calling him he. Even though Soo-Min wheezed at being a male all of a sudden….. especially a character like Hyun-Min but it was a reality.

She…. No he was Hyun-Min.

Suddenly the image of a beautifully blue lotus laying on a clear pale blue lake surfaced in his mind.

He said. 'Then buy the lapis lazuli.'

—Host must remember he has only 100 brownie points, the lapis lazuli cost 40 brownie points. Does the host confirm the purchase?

'What?!' Hyun-Min shrieked in his mind. This was a highway robbery. Why did a low class item cost so much?! Did this system think he was that easy to cheat? Back in his former life as a female he wrote many books concerning systems and magical class grading! He was very experienced in matters like this.

'Why is it so expensive?' he couldn't help but ask this question.

—Recovery items are produced from the host's romantic state, since the host has yet to complete mission one and begin his first chapter of his love story, naturally the Love Bug System lacks the main ingredient for Recovery items.

He almost let out a condescending laugh at the reply. The System had just narrowly insulted him of being loveless. He admitted that the original Hyun-Min was so irritable that even his family hated him but the System was being too classless with the attack on his lack of a lover.

He humphed before saying. 'Purchase the item.'

—Congratulations, the host has purchased his first item from the Love Fountain. Would the host like to use the Lapis lazuli?

'Yes.' Hyun-Min muttered.

His mocha colored eyes descended on his cut palm. Watching with marvel painted on his face as delicate and beautiful as a mural when the cut on his back began to self heal, sewing back together without so much as a scar.

"Wow," came out of his plum and apple red lips.

Hyun-Min definitely suited as the apple of one's eyes. He was the definition of a peerless beauty. It was too bad his attitude was too rotten to grab the attention of Jong-soo and the FL also had protagonist perks.

"Young Master, Hyun-Min." An aged voice called out from a corner.

Hyun-Min turned back at the lady who had called him. This was caretaker Nana. The old lady had taken care of all the Shin children, and had been there for Hyun-Min since he was a child. Nana had always understood Hyun-Min and never minded his rotten attitude.

The lady stood tall but had a hunched back. Her skin was tanned, and her eyes were a pair of closed set black orbs.

"Young Master, Your father wants to see you." Nana spoke softly.

Hyun-Min nodded before taking off his apron. He had wanted to make something for himself to eat but from his memories as both Shin Hyun-Min and Kim Soo-Min, Hyun-Min's Father was not the type that liked to wait. The man got really irritated from waiting.

Hyun-Min walked towards her when he heard. "What are you doing here?"

Hyun-Min stopped in front of her. "I was cooking."

Nana blinked, suddenly taken aback from the reply. She raised her hand and placed the back of her hand on his neck. "Are you feeling right Young Master?"

—Alert! Alert! An Among Us Monster!

Hyun-Min was so shocked by the system's reaction from Nana's touch that he jolted away.

'What?' he asked.

—An Among Us. Congratulations! Host has found his first hidden enemy.

Hyun-Min was shocked. As Soo-Min he did not have any memories of plotting Caretaker Nana as an enemy so what was this? A hidden enemy?

'Are you sure?' he couldn't help but ask, secretly eyeing the confused Nana.

—Affirmative. Host has discovered a hidden enemy plotting against him called An Among Us Monster. Currently this hidden enemy is only of level three danger out of ten. Their danger towards you is near insignificant but there is a strong hate for you coming from her.

Hyun-Min eyed Caretaker Nana as he began walking away, shrugging her off. The Caretaker was stunned. Was there something wrong with her palm?

Hyun-Min couldn't believe there were any direct dangers towards him like this besides the idiot Protagonist and the obsessed Villain.

What else would he be looking forward to?