Get lost

Adrian kept glancing at the door waiting for Clara to show up. It had only been fifteen minutes and he started longing for her.

'Longing' Adrian snapped at his thought.

"I just want to see if she is true to her words" he corrected himself and pulled away his attention from the door and focused on his work.

Just when he thought, he had finally managed to divert his thoughts from Clara, the door to his room opened and he raised his head hoping it was her but-

"Boss, we have a meeting with the finance department in fifteen" Austin entered with a smile on his face but it soon dropped when Adrian shot a dagger at him.

'What did I do now!' Austin pursed his lips suppressing his smile.

The way Adrian gawked at him, made him see through his boss's upset mood and he suddenly felt like crying.

'For how long should I bear my overbearing boss'

Signing the documents, Adrian got up from his seat and walked past Austin. The second he felt the gust of air pass through him Austin found his soul returning.

Adrian was like a devil who liked to scare anyone with his murderous glare. He was like a ticking bomb ready to blast at any second. Staying with him was a huge task and he doubted if there was anyone who would handle this devil.

Heaving out a shaky breath, Austin followed his boss quietly.



Clara went through the files listing points that they needed to change if they wanted to surpass their annual target. Even though the profits they made in these four years were remarkable they can't carry the same strategies in the upcoming years.

Noting down a few points, Clara got up to leave. Reaching Adrian's cabin she knocked on the door and entered the room only to find it empty.

"Huh! Where did he go?" she mumbled looking at the vacant space and stepping out.

Confused, she turned to leave when she unknowingly stumbled on someone," Oh... I am sorry" Composing herself, Clara raised her head when a charming face appeared in her view.

"Are you okay?" a handsome with the most beautiful pair of blue eyes stood in front of her with concern lacing his face.

"Uhh... yes, yes I'm fine" Clara composed her startled expression and took a step back.

She didn't realize she had been staring at him shamelessly and now she regretted her actions.

Vincent Roger, the CFO of Skylar Corps and also Adrian's aunt's son, was amazed to see a new face at the workplace and curled his lips up in anticipation.

The concern in his eyes was now replaced with curiosity. He had heard, Adrian was searching for a new assistant apart from Austin who would monitor his life. He was expecting someone older but this woman seemed quite young.

"Are you the new assistant whom Adrian appointed ?" there was a glint of playfulness in his tone and the way he smiled made Clara uncomfortable.

His eyes were scanning her from head to toe and that made her feel uneasy under his scrutinizing gaze.

Lowering her eyes she nodded her head and answered" Yes"

Clara didn't know why but didn't like the way he was staring at her. Though he had a handsome face the way he was approaching her made her feel otherwise.

'I think I should leave' she told to herself and bowed down before she walked past Vincent.

Following his gaze on her retreating figure, Vincent smirked," I need to befriend her" muttering Vincent turned and left from there.

After her unexpected encounter with that creepy man, Clara entered her cabin and walked towards her desk before taking a seat.

She didn't like the way Vincent gawked at her. She felt awful. But Clara quickly brushed off that creepy feeling in her heart thinking she wasn't going to meet him again. And with that hope, she resumed her work.


[Vincent's cabin]

Sitting on his swirling chair Vincent went through Clara's bio and smirked. The second he laid his eyes on the woman, he got the urge to know about her.

She looked like a little lamb with that innocent face and dimmed eyes and it wouldn't be that hard to befriend her.

Vincent always wanted to be the CEO of Skylar Corps but ended up working under his cousin. The day he lost his dream against Adrian, Vincent was finding various ways to get back at him. And now he could finally see hope.

Adrian was a man who hated women but having a female assistant beside him was something he could use against him.

There must be something in this woman that leads him to appoint her and now, he was curious to know more about her.

An evil smile appeared on his lips and Vincent leaned back on his chair but soon that smile disappeared and his eyes turned dark.

"I will never let you win this time" With a firm declaration Vincent got up and left from there.


Clara was done reviewing the annual reports an hour ago but she was still waiting for Adrian to show up. Waiting for him for so long, she finally decided to go and check one more time.

Taking the reports, she again headed to his cabin only to get halt when she heard a roar coming through his cabin.

Lifting her head she peeked through the slightly opened door and she saw Adrian pacing back and forth ruffing his hair in frustration.

Staring at him in confusion she held the folder in her hands tightly, thinking whether she should step in or just leave.

"How can they cancel the deal at the last moment and why wasn't I informed about it" Adrian lashed out while Austin just stood there with his head down, scrolling down something on the tab.

Just after a minute, he finally raised his head and rushed to Adrian's side showing him something on the screen.

Clara couldn't listen to anything they spoke but the way Adrian was boiling in anger gave her chills. Her legs stepped back on their own until the door flung open and Adrian stood in front of her.

Clara flinched back and gulped at the sight of Adrian's bloodshot eyes. Her subconscious mind asked her to run but her feet's remained rooted on the spot.

"What are you doing here?" he asked with no ounce of emotion in his voice.

Clara shook her head vigorously and was about to speak when she heard him say," Get lost" banging the door on her face Clara stood there stunned.

Her heart pounded inside her chest and her eyes welled up looking at the closed door.

Everyone out there kept staring at her. Some felt sorry and some chose to scoff. Gulping the lump that formed inside her throat Clara turned and walked back to her cabin before anyone saw her cry.

Stepping in, she let her unshed tears roll down her eyes but she quickly wiped them off.

"I won't let you affect me, Adrian," she said and sprinted to her seat before slamming the files on the table.