
Left with no choice, Mello spilled everything that happened to him at the school.

A boy named Jaden tried to pick at him by calling him names. At first, he chooses to ignore him but when he starts talking about his mother bearing a child out of wedlock he couldn't stay calm and he ended up hitting him on his nose.

Anger surged up in Abby's heart when he finished reciting the story." I need to talk to your teacher. How can they not see this? Is this how they are educating the students" Her mouth had no stop as she kept venting out her frustration.

Mello could only facepalm and climb down from her lap before facing her." Aunty Abby, I have already punished him. Why get the teachers involved"

Mello didn't want any trouble because he knew they weren't going to stop there. Even after giving them many previous warnings still Jaden didn't change his behavior.

"How can we not involve the teachers Mello? It is their responsibility to look after the students" Abby was highly disappointed with the staff for being ignorant of the bullying going around in the school.

Mello lowered his head feeling sad. He had been used to the comments, kids would pass on to him. Not only kids but even adults weren't less.

Because of this constant questioning about his birth Abby and Clara had to change so many places just so no one could harm him with their negative words. But as time went by Mello got used to it. He didn't care what people would say to him but when it came to his mother's reputation, he would lose his cool.

Clara was Mello's everything and he didn't like anyone badmouthing her. Yes, he was born out of wedlock and was a child without a father but that doesn't change the fact that Clara filled both the space of being a good parent.

Finding Mello suddenly turning quiet, Abby felt her heart stab. The four-year-old boy had to go through so much at such a young age, but never once did he complain about it.

She knew just like every other child, Mello too must be eager to know who his father was, but she was tongue-tied to disclose anything. He had seen him asking Clara about it many times but only got disappointment in the end.

"Ow my poor baby, come to Aunty" Abby pulled him closer to her before she kissed his head.

"I don't like when anyone talks about Mama that way. It makes me angry" he finally opened up, though Abby already guessed it. Clara was his weak point and anybody who tried to get back at her would piss him off.

"I know, this is why I have to talk with your teacher. They need to be informed about the things that are happening behind their backs" Abby assured.

Mello could see there was no way he could stop his aunt from scolding his teachers. Left with no other choice, Mello bobbed his head in agreement and let his aunty handle the matter.

Staying in her hold for some time, Abby finally let go of him and stood up," Now come on, stretch your lips with a beautiful smile and come to have lunch. Your favorite pasta is ready" ruffling Mello's hair lovingly, Abby grabbed his hand and took him to the dining table.

Pulling out a chair for Mello, Abby helped him sit, before she walked into the kitchen, bringing the freshly cooked pasta.

"Here you go my little man" serving him she then pulled a chair for herself, sitting next to him.

"Do you like it? " she asked watching him take the first bite.

"Hmm... it's so yummy. This is delicious but not as good as Mama" he corrects.

Clara was the home cook, who liked to cook for them. Abby used to help her but she still lacked some skills of perfection.

"I know, Clara makes the best food" Abby couldn't fight that because she knew it was the truth.

"By the way, where is Uncle James? Why didn't he come to pick me up" Mello asked when he remembered James promised to come with Abby to his school, but he didn't.

" He is busy" Abby commented with the least interest. It was better the man didn't tag along or else he would have pretended to be the same as their family just to annoy her. That man was a pain in the ass.

"Anyways, you just finished all this, I have some work to look after " she excused herself and returned to her room leaving Mello alone.

Once he was done with eating, Mello placed the plate into the sink and walked out of the kitchen heading straight towards his room.

Entering, he walked towards his bed where his sack rested in the corner, and opened the zip before pulling out a book from it.

Turning on the page, he looked at the drawing he made in the school. It was a family drawing, him with Clara and Abby and there was a man at the corner his father.

His eyes bored into the sketch he made of the man whom he was unknown to and said, " Don't you miss us" his eyes were questioning the portrait, hoping it to answer him.

Mello had no idea how his father looked, it was all his interpretation, his imagination that he poured into the drawing.

Tracing his fingers on the picture, he squinted his eyes suddenly feeling anger surge up in his heart, and the next second he shut the book, stuffing it back inside his school bag before he walked into the bathroom.


[Skylar Corps]

Clara rushed back to her office as soon as ended the call. Her mind kept wandering back to the moment she dashed out of the cabin in urgency.

At that moment her mind was clouded with worry for her family whom she left back in Country J but now when her mind returned to the present her heart began to race inside her chest.

The questioning eyes of Adrian she saw before she stepped out gave her chills. She was worried that he would come to ask her who was on the call or why she kept her phone on during office hours when it was against the company's rules.

Clara started to curse the day, she thought about applying for the assistant job because now, she was really regretting her decision.

Stopping in front of the cabin, Clara took a few deep breaths as she composed her appearance before she knocked and stepped inside the office.

"I hope you have finished talking with your boyfriend Miss Mathew" Adrian's deep anguish voice took Clara by shock and she raised her head only to meet his deadpan eyes that gawk at her in fury.

"Boyfriend" she mumbled having no clue what he was talking about. What was he assuming all of sudden, she thought staring at him cluelessly.

"Shocked!!.." his lips curled into a sarcastic smile as he watched her in amusement.

Clara squinted her eyes at his remark. What is wrong with this man and what nonsense he was talking about?

Adrian's eyes never left Clara's face as he kept staring at her wondering how can she lie to him right in his face. He should've known a girl like her would fool anyone with her innocent face and even now, she did the same.

Time passed and the smile on Adrian's face dropped. His face again turned aloof so as his words," Next time, no personal call will be attended during office hours. Am I clear Miss Mathew" came his strict words.

Clara whose mouth got sealed because of his unexpected words, couldn't help but bobbed her head in agreement.

"Now get back to work," he said and she quietly walked towards her seat.

The second she took the seat Adrian's voice was the side made her halt," Who were you worried for?" Clara snapped her eyes to Adrian who was staring at her intently and her mind froze.