You haven't changed

Clara hailed the taxi from Adrian's penthouse and reached home. She was annoyed at how Adrian kept pushing her buttons. However, she was satisfied that she didn't keep agreeing to his every demand.

"Just because I am his personal assistant that doesn't give him the right to treat me like tissue paper" Clara protested tossing her gab aside and sprinted towards the kitchen.

Gabbing a can of bear from the refrigerator she clicked open it and gulped down the content in one go.

"Ha!" slamming the empty can, Clara wiped her lips and dumped the can inside the bin before making her way inside the bedroom.

Dealing with Adrian was a tiresome job, yet she tried putting up with his mood swings, but that wasn't enough because Adrian was clearly taking revenge on her. If only she had found the person behind that letter, Clara wouldn't have had to handle his tantrums.