Getting late for work

The next day Clara woke up at the sound of her alarming clock and quickly turned it off. It was kind of impossible for her to sleep soundly, however last night after helping Adrian fall asleep, Clara too dozed off without any trouble.

Sitting up, Clara stretched her arms and slowly opened her eyes. She felt refreshed after having a proper sleep after so long. However, she paused when Adrian's thought crossed her mind.

"Did he sleep well?" she murmured confusingly and climbed down the bed.

The first thing she did before stepping into the bathroom was to check her dark under-eye. They were prominent enough that she hardly slept, however, to her surprise, she didn't find them apparent this morning. 

She still had dark under-eye but they had become faint.

"Hmm... not bad"

Surprised at herself, Clara began her morning routine and quickly got ready to leave for work.