Just one chance.

Everything happened instantaneously and Clara found herself kissing him deeply.

Adrian seized the opportunity and slipped his tongue into her cavern, only to hear a muffled moan in return. It sounded like a beautiful chant in his ears that left him splendid by her response.

Clara clutched onto his shoulder and kissed him back with the same passion.

The mixer of alcohol and tobacco made Clara feel dizzy and her thoughts wavered. Her mind was knocked by the sensual yet passionate kiss and that made her want more.

In the back of her mind, Clara knew she shouldn't be doing it, but she felt weak before his demands.

Clara's mind was struck by the overwhelming feeling of his tongue dancing inside her mouth as they tasted each other hungrily.

Not only did she lose her sense of thinking, but also her body refused to retreat from the pleasure Adrian was showering on her.