I don't believe you

"How may I assist you, Miss Emily?" Edric asked, relaxingly leaning back in his chair and crossing one leg over the other.

Gently rubbing his chin Edric looked at the woman in front of him; her eyes were blank and she was unfazed.

Edric was annoyed by Emily's continued pride in her aura, but he decided not to express it.

"Yes, and I have the documents that prove that the place belongs to us. You can not just shove us away from there." She uttered the words with conviction.

Emily would be lying if she said that Edric's identity as the authority figure did not surprise her; instead of just being shocked, she chose to concentrate on the reason she had come.

Edric looked at her for a few seconds and asked her to proceed.

Emily took out the paperwork and set it in front of Edric.