Where is your husband

With her mouth slightly open, Clara looked at Adrian with puzzled eyes and blinked.

He asked again, "Did you forget something?" and she immediately snapped out of her reverie by shaking her head.

"No, I have a very sharp brain. I don't forget anything. I was just thinking maybe I missed something." Clara looked away from Adrian and swallowed.

Adrian sighed in defeat and looked ahead. His attempt to extract the truth from Clara was unsuccessful, but he couldn't let this curiosity slip.

With that thought in his mind, they both stepped out of the elevator and entered the cabin.


"By the way, there is something I wanted to tell you." Clara said as she took her seat.

Adrian signaled her to proceed, and she asked, "Is it okay for you to go home alone this evening? I have to go somewhere." 

Clara wondered how Adrian would feel about the fact that she would not be going home with him after work. But she was taken aback by his reply.