Did you plan the attack?

Felix learned that Adrian had been attacked, and he immediately went up to Edric, who was leaving the house surreptitiously without saying hello.

"Am I dead or something? Why do you two, son and father, always make me feel so stressed out?" With a lowered head, Edric listened to Felix chastise him for keeping him in the dark.

If it wasn't for Vincent, who dared to inform him about the incident, Felix wouldn't have ever learned that Adrian was attacked and the attacker was still out there roaming freely.

Felix gasped for air as he gave Edric a fierce look and questioned, "Are you going to keep looking down? Say something damnit!"

Edric's lips tightened into a thin line as he recoiled at his father's angry tone.

"We thought it wasn't such a big deal-"

"Big deal? My grandson was attacked in daylight. Where the hell were his guards and driver? How didn't they see the man coming?" Felix questioned as he couldn't bring himself to calm down.