Deserves to know his roots

"I hope they find him soon," Clara muttered, watching Adrian caress her head before walking towards his seat.

"They will, for sure, and we will track down the person responsible for all of this planning soon," Adrian promised.

Clara sighed and returned to her seat, soon resuming her work.

Meanwhile, Adrian sat there with a deep frown marred on his face. He was curious as to why Vincent paid Derek a visit to jail and what kind of conversation they had. However, he dismissed his ideas, speculating that perhaps he went to see him because he was a friend.

Adrian had his doubts revolving around Derek and his purpose behind targeting Clara and Mello initially, which is why he decided to keep him by his side.

Adrian was unsure whether the individual who had hired Derek and the subsequent one were related. And all they had to do was wait for the cops to get hold of the man.
