Emily never came clean about her.

Derek followed the cab until it finally stopped in front of a restaurant and Emily stepped out.

Derek stalked Emily inside, keeping a low profile, and watched as she arrived at the table, where a woman was waiting for her.

Derek studied the woman with narrowed eyes, and when she felt Emily's presence, she turned, and his eyes went wide.

"Cassandra?" Derek muttered as he realized Emily was meeting none other than Cassandra.

"What is her intention this time?" Derek pondered as he moved cautiously in the direction of the table behind them and took a seat before they noticed him.

Despite facing away from them, he could still hear them clearly.

"I thought you wouldn't come," Cassandra said after Emily took the seat opposite her.

Derek furrowed at the sound of her friendly voice and sneered.

Derek never thought Cassandra could be friendly, coming from someone who had only spoken venom.

'Pretentious' he scoffs.