Time to move on

Derek casually shrugged his shoulders after receiving a glare from Drake. But whatever he said was the truth.

Drake had been secretly admiring a girl ever since he was in University. But his brother was so full of despair that he never found the strength to approach her and confess.

Drake believed the girl saw him only as a friend, but based on Derek's observations, the girl had only one male friend, who happened to be his brother.

And if she did not feel anything for him, what girl would spend the whole day chatting with her guy friend at work?

Derek was certain that she felt something for Drake as well, but it was he who was blind to her true motives.

As the dinner continued, Drake went to tell everyone how he met Lisa and how they became friends. However, since he moved here unexpectedly, he has found it difficult to talk to her.

"Drake, what is keeping you from admitting how you feel?" Emily questioned him, grabbing his interest.